Santa Fe Connections Free Classifieds

What are Extended Ads?

Extended Ads Allow Your Ad to STAY ON TOP OF YOUR CATEGORY for a nominal fee.

Notice that when you place your Free Classified Ad, as other's post their ads, your ad will start to scroll down the page until it's no longer visible. Because it's free and we love having you come back to the site, you can always go back in, delete your old ad and post a new one. It's easy enough to do and if you don't have anything else to do but monitor your ad, then that's a perfectly acceptable way to keep your ad closer to the top. But, if you really don't have the extra time to monitor your ad and want to keep focused on some of the other important things going on in your life, you can purchase an extended ad. For just $30.00 per month or $1 dollar per day, your ad will occupy premium ad real estate at the top of your category so it is sure to be seen by everyone visiting your particular category.

But, it gets better! Because we are a new site, the Extended Ad feature is available for just $22.00 per month. That's just 73 cents per day! Compare that to what you would pay for an ad in a local paper for one month...

While we build traffic to, Extended Ads are available for the following rates:

7 Days for $10.00
14 Days for $15.00
30 Days for $22.00

Thank you for using Free Classified Advertising. Be sure to tell your friends about this great new Free System for getting the word out about their product or service.

